Students always eagerly await education fairs, as they provide an excellent opportunity to meet representatives of universities in person. Discover more about the university fairs organized by Edutolia Education and learn about their objectives for both students and parents. Education fairs offer attendees the opportunity to receive special scholarships and discounts on tuition fees and participate in informative talks. To inform students and parents about various Universities and equip them with all information required to select the appropriate program.

Why to attend fairs by edutolia

  • Providing the best and most appropriate education consultancy through Edutolia Education with more than 10 years experience. 
  • Get special offers and discounts on university tuition fees by attending these events.
  • Gather information about studying overseas. 
  • Interact with university representatives in person. 
  • Explore university amenities. 
  • Gain insights into the experiences of current students. 
  • Expand one’s network of relationships. 

Furthermore, students can attend fairs at any time during the day. They should Follow the Edutolia Education pages to know the dates and venues to attend the international education fairs or contact us directly.

Also, students should know that education fairs present a significant opportunity for students and their parents to make them more aware of the diverse study options in Turkey and overseas, thus creating more informed decisions regarding their academic pathway.